Wednesday, 13 October 2010

Stories and Storytelling

I came across the following quote on ther importance of stories and stoytelling recently. It was used to introduce a Chapter on Children's Literature by Russell Jones in a book called Childhood Studies, An Introduction, edited by Dominic Wyse. It was so good I just had to share it, so here it is:

Storytelling weaves a spell that binds us all into one world community. We enter the world where eveything is possible, to think, to feel and to grow together. Our stories help create an sustain our society. They help to shape and fashion who we are, and help us to know and feel what is right and what is wrong. Stories should cherish the human spirit and as such should be a central part of every child's upbringing.   (Corbett, P, Tales, Myths and Legends, Page 5)

1 comment:

  1. Dorothy, I came over to your blog from our critique group. Glad we're all back after our summer break. Loved the video, that must have been exciting!!
